Tuesday 2 March 2010

2nd March 2010 - Yay for lighter evenings!

Yay, it’s getting lighter in the evenings!! I got to have my first weekday play with Bella tonight. It was a great session. I decided to focus tonight's session on the figure of 8 Pattern as we have been having some problems with this recently.

One of the things I have really picked up on in Terri's clinics is about keeping going with a pattern even if it feels like its not making a difference.

Tonight I decided to test that theory on our figure of 8's. As normal Bella did two beautiful laps then kicked off at having to do more! So I stuck with it, and made her keep going, when she kick off I asked for more, when she softened i did less, and it worked ... to a point ... but something was still not right, which got me thinking 'what am i missing here???' .... I then had a LIGHT BULB moment! I was moving my feet! So I stood on a Frisbee to make my self stay still and after a couple of laps she suddenly dropped her head, snorted and her pace change, she looked like she was gliding round.

What a difference a few little changes and keeping to the pattern can make! Thank you Terri!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great job!! Isn't it frustrating that it always has to do with us, not the horse lol. Keep it up.

    Hillary Rose
    Parelli Mastery Program
