Friday 23 April 2010

23rd April – Putting ideas into practice.

Today I worked on the things Rachael suggested yesterday. So we played on the ground till I could drive her forward, then ridden. All so far so good :)

22nd April - Had a great day at Rachael Morland’s clinic :) Oh, and Happy 5th Birthday Bella!

Today I went to watch a clinic Lower Sparr Farm, Wisborough Green with the always wonderful Rachael Morland 3* Parelli Instructor.
We where also lucky enough to have 2* Jody Ruysen helping out.
Rachael was kind enough to cover a 4 day clinic last minute for Carmen Zulauf (4* Parelli Senior Instructor) when volcanic ash made it impossible for her to fly.

As this was the last day of the clinic it was a lot of recapping more than teaching but that suited me for where I am at with Bella. The thing that where covered where: Sideways at a distance (up to 45ft) between two poles (for guidance for the human). Saddling, riding in arena and in the field.

I also got the chance to ask Rachael about a few problems I was having with Bella refusing to move forward. One thing Rachael recommended was getting her drive well in zone 3 so that I could tap her and have her move off without bucking, then take that to the ridden.

Sunday 18 April 2010

17th april - level 2 filmed. check. mums level one filmed. check. both loaded to youtube, double check!

We had ago at re filming my L2 and mums L1 today. They both went well but not 'perfect' so we are redoing them

Friday 9 April 2010

8th april - Bella just offered sideways OVER the barrel! (twice!!!!) My little girl is so cool!!!! :)

What more can I add to that! We where just playing 'how many things can you do with a barrel?' and that was her idea! TWICE!!!

Friday 2 April 2010

2nd april - Filmed my level 2 today ... Not sure whether to send it or not as Bella was a bit of a Punk!!!

We did several takes over a few days but they all ended up on the cutting room floor! Still perfect practice and all that!