Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Getting permission to play

Today I turned up and went to halter Bella and she walked off ... Hmm FEEDBACK! After playing a little 'catching' game I offered her the halter and she put her ears back and walked off again ... Mmm 'How Interesting!'

Ok, time for a different tac ... leaving the halter, Liberty it is! Again I went to play the catching game but as soon as I approached her she turned and walked over.  I gently flicked the Savvy string over her neck and asked her to follow the feel as I have a hundreds times - nope i'm not moving! Did a little friendly then tried again. One step, sigh then turn and walk off with a board look on her face.  Ok, not what I expected!!

I walked after her and decided to get more provoctive.  As I approced instead of going to her head I went to her side and asked her for sideways towards - BINGO! She slid strait over then turned and gave me two eyes.  I walked off and asked her to stick to me which she did but with a grumpy face, ok lets fix that, hind quater and for quarter yeilds - fast! PING, happier looking face!

Permission and attitude better now to work on the brain.  I started to do lead by the front legs which she knows, then led backwards by the back leg which we haven't done before.  She quickly got it and was soon walking backwards just from a suggestion.

Now she was connected and forward thinking I started to carry on playing with things that we have been playing with to see where we are at.

Spins - yeilding nicely from the front but a bit 'sticky' when her Z5 is towards me. But finishing nicely.

Lead by tail - Perfect straight.  Getting better at turning whilst backing.

Stick to me matching strides and body positions - ie if i walk slow, hunched over with my head down will she match me.  Really nice with her head, nose almost on the floor.  Was having trouble changing between the different walks. But 1st time at liberty so not bad concidering!

Circling - 1st attemt she left and went as stood about 10ft from me with her bum to me - There's that feed back again!! Did a bit of friendly rubbing then reasked softer. BINGO! 1 perfect circle!

Then tought her something new - lead but the forlock! She already knows lead by the mane so picked this up after 2 attempts. Cleaver girl!

Then ran throught it all mixing it up and ended with a grazing session with me sat on the grass and her grazing by me. 

When I got up she raised her head, I flicked the savvy string over her neck and she walked and trotted next to me back accross the field to get her dinner.

What did she teach me tonight?
* I have to earn the right to play and mean it if I want to!
* Give her more process time ... sometimes I rush her
* My little LB horse will teach me more than I will ever teach her!

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Perfect Ride!

Best ride of the year .... so far!  Spent a bit of time checking and re-shimming her NP saddle then prepared her to ride - only took 5mins, a record!! Lots of lovely soft flexions. Did a bit of point to point and trotting circles to get us warmed up and in sync.  Got some really nice trot circle so all the work we have been doing on finding relaxation online is paying off now. We did have a few small issues of her choosing when to eat, but once she figured it was better to wait till i offered she was fine (and didn't take much persuading - my leadership in the saddle must be going up!)

I then moved on to playing the Yo-Yo game by doing lots of transitions B/up - Halt - Walk - Trot both on a circle ans straight line.  She was really responsive and we finished with some really lovely Halt-Trot-Halt transitions from my energy alone. Let her stand and graze for 10 mins with me sat on her as a reward for putting in so much effort in the transitions. When i wanted to get of i just lifted my life and her head popped up ready to go again!

For me I am over the moon that I had almost no hesitation in getting on her today or at any point in the session. Can't wait to go to the beach tomorrow!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Quick Update!

Thought the easyest way to update this was by copying my hours logged on Parell Connect!

 Will do a proper blog post soon promis!

Jo Hibberd
Jo Hibberd said It is so cool when not only do your horses run to you but when you drive down the lane at 5pm you see two horses standing stretching there necks to look down the lane to see if you are coming yet! Love those guys x
Jo Hibberd
Jo Hibberd with Arabella, (Freestyle, 15 mins) Little bareback tonight. Felt a bit apprehensive as she was in a punky mood but didn’t let her out-phase me in my plan to ride. So got on and just sat there for a bit. Asked her to walk and she did but then stopped to graze. Asked her to lift her head by tapping her neck, which she did but with a not pleasant look on her face, walked two steps then went to graze again. This time i caught her mid way by doing an indirect rein/ direct rein turn and then walking her 4 or 5 steps then asking her to stop and graze! When I was ready to move off I lifted my energy and ‘pop’ up came her head, ears forward and off we went! Got a few nice turns and some lovely lateral flexions before letting her graze and a scratch session before getting off as it was getting dark. Finished with a hand graze and some UDT on a nice patch of spring grass.
So glad I stuck to my plan to ride. Thats one less I have to do before I am hoping on her confidently and cantering into the sunset!
Jo Hibberd
Jo Hibberd with Arabella, (On Line, 15 mins) Playing stick to me in prep for riding. got lovely walk-trot-canter-halt-backup transitions. Again playing with featherlight lines. Some nice sideways towards and away over a pole.
Jo Hibberd
Jo Hibberd with Arabella, (Freestyle, 30 mins) In bareback pad. Point to Point, sideways over pole and working on her lateral flexion as she has been getting bracy – my fault, started to give her treats from the saddle now when i ask her to come round it’s ‘treat or you get nothing!’ Feeling braver today as she was being so partner like I attempted a trot! She happily obliged but the stopping was a little interesting as my body and brain was saying walk but my bum was saying trot!! When I lifted my rein she stopped immediately, poor confused pony!
Jo Hibberd
Jo Hibberd with Arabella, (On Line, 30 mins) Quick play online using my new featherlight lines! I LOVE THEM! Love the feel they give me and Bella obviously does as she was so connected! Helped mum with her traveling circles with Prince and even swapped so I could teach Prince and Bella could teach mum – Principle 7!

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Wedding Dress Training!

Well on April 16th 2011 I get married to my wonderful if long suffering partner Jon.  As part of my day we are planning to have some photo's taken with Bella and our Jack Russell 'Poppy'.  So, in preparation for this I have been doing lots of friendly game with things like hoops, sheets, blankets, plastic sheeting ... anything I can think of to prepare her for a wedding dress!  The plan is to have pictures taken with her and if she is calm them with me sat on her, but we will see how she is on the day!

My Friend and Parelli Student Lynne Watson has been helping me.  Here is a video from our session on the weekend to give you a taster!

I want to also say CONGRATULATIONS to Lynne on Passing her level 2 Freestyle with a L2+!!!! She has now graduated L2!!!